Losing Nemo

My name is Donnel. I am THE BIGGEST FAN of Nemo the clownfish from the movie "Finding Nemo." I own Nemo slippers, Nemo nailpolish, Nemo flavored weed, and about 9001 copies of the movie. My girlfriend dumped me because she thought I loved Nemo more than I loved her, which is absolutely true. I would choose Nemo over my own mother anyday. Anyways, one day I was walking down the street singing "Just Keep Swimming" when I saw a dying old man on the ground screaming "Never again, never again" over and over. I was just gonna keep walking past him until I saw a copy of the movie "Finding Nemo" in his hands! I got so excited I started drooling and tried to rip the disc out of his hands. He screeched "Don't, you'll end up like me!!" but I sped up his death process by tearing out his heart and eating it and pried my precious out of his blood stained hands. I bounced away from that scene in my Nemomobile before that normal looking person could call the police. As soon as I stepped through my door I got out my DVD player. I examined the disc before I put it in. It read "Finding Nemo: Super Special 666 Editon." It was very scratched up so I cried, knowing that the disc represented Nemo's soul, and then I put it in the DVD player. Without even showing me the menu , the film started immediately. It cut straight to the part when the fish in the dentist's office are starting Nemo's orientation ceremony, but Nemo was crying and all the other fish had hyperrealistic blood leaking from their eyes!!!! Bloat said to Nemo "Come now child, to daddy!" and all of the other fish just watched as Bloat sexually assaulted Nemo, and I died and took the DVD out and sent it to my friend Cam, asking him to destroy it... To be continued in the epic, high caliber tale of "Nemo.exe" which will come out as soon as Liviletliv feels like it.